$500 Spirit of Love High School Scholarship
“Whatever you do for the least of my brothers you do to me,” (Matthew 25:37). The Lord clearly states that we should seek our brothers and sisters. The process in which you help others enriches their lives and our souls. My Catholic faith, through Mary Immaculate School, has greatly enhanced my desire to make a difference in the community. The desire to seek to serve not let it seek you out.
Being a student at a Catholic school provides many chances to serve. But one particular cause that tugged at my heart was pro-life. I was in seventh grade when my mom started working at the White Rose Clinic. At the time I was not sure what she did. All I knew is that she did not get paid, but she seemed content and happy with what she was doing. That year Mary Immaculate held a drive to collect the much-needed items for the Clinic. The days went on and it seemed that the baby diapers, food, and clothes were piling up. When the day of the drive came two trucks and two vans were teeming with baby supplies. My mom later told me how much the items helped. During my eight grade year we did the drive once again, but this time the eight grade got the opportunity to hear a talk on pro-life. Hearing the hardships these women went up against really opened my eyes. I remember my mom picking me up after school one day. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks tinted with tears. But her tears were those of joy. She told me she had saved a baby that day. A homeless woman walked into the clinic raggedy and smelly. She thought it was the abortion clinic and was ready to give up her baby. My mom played along and took the women in. After many hours of compassionate talking, tears of frustration, and deep contemplating; the woman saw the baby on the sonographer, with its delicate heart beating. She herself must have had a change of heart, because at that moment she decided to keep the child. And to think that the items Mary Immaculate collected helped care for this nearly lost cause. Since then, I have been more involved in pro-life and aware of the situation. I try my best to keep working and donating.
After I leave my wonderful school, I hope to keep spreading the pro-life message. If God grants me an entrance into Ursuline Academy and wherever else my future lies, I will serve. Actions speak louder than words. Everyone deserves a chance to live. Life is sacred because we are all temples of the Lord. No service is too small, and even the smallest service is greater than nothing. As Catholics and images of Jesus Christ, we have a responsibility to seek to serve. I intend to let my light shine brightly for those who truly need it now and forever!Show/Hide Footer Actions